About Us

street art


The current climate of collective uncertainty that we are experiencing flattens the desire of the consumers towards the satisfaction of basic needs.
This is accompanied by mass values imposed by large industrial brands, which have a position of dominance in the media.
Small businesses struggle to gain visibility in the markets and affirm value, authenticity, and sustainability of their products.

The world of culture, which consist of an immense heritage in Europe, is also in trouble.
Galleria d'arte

We do realize that entire portions of the population do not live cultural experiences of any kind.
They do not come into contact in any way with stimuli or reflections other than those expressed by television or social networks, led by the mass media system.
Both cultural institutions and SMEs must look at new solutions for their marketing needs.

Similarly, cultural workers must find innovative ways to establish new relationships with people who would otherwise see culture just as a distraction, or a strictly academic matter.



Bringing art and culture closer to everyday consumption.
Bringing everyday consumption closer to art and culture.

Logo Ands Art
This is what ANDSART CLUB does.

The club started with a first nucleus of Small Visionary Businesses that agreed to act as testimonials, and committed to combine their brand and product with cultural entities, which in turn get involved to create value, and demonstrate the ability of this extraordinary project to generate sustainable value.

The vision is to carry out hundreds of art/business matches, generating therefore a sustainable commercial space and a positive model of contamination, that will result in a significant increase of the perceived value, with benefits for both manufacturer, and cultural heritage operators.

As of today, ANDSART is the first startup focusing on cross fertilization between art/culture, and sustainable local SMEs.

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