BannerPrize Andsart

Welcome to the community that combines culture and cultural heritage to companies exporting Made in Italy products. The whole world wishes to buy authentic Made in Italy from actual Italian companies, and the whole world appreciates the culture, art, and history, that are exhibited in small Italian museums.

The AndsArtClub selects small Italian companies available to empower small museums, archaeological parks, or creative and cultural institutions, with unique and dedicated export oriented productions. We tell stories of art at the service of businesses, and stories of businesses at the service of art. Both benefit from the value of culture as the unique attribute of their work.

AndsArtClub is a new model that was proposed by Sulcisdrone4.0 Srl, and was one of the pilot projects of Creathriv-EU, a Eurocluster program of the European Commission. These stories of art and entrepreneurship will be presented at the European Roadshow of the project, and will benefit from promotion on commercial channels, as well as international media reverberation.

The selection of the first nominees will end in January, you can send your applications here, as businesses or as small museums or creative and cultural institutions: The community is open! Subscribe to the newsletter, buy products or admission tickets, become a trading partner and a local foreign correspondent of the Made in Italy products that are most connected to the history and culture of the country.

Discover the emotions, the values ​​and the history of the export of art and Madeinitaly