A new collaborative export model to empower internationally oriented SMEs in their access to international trade and cooperation channels is emerging and is attracting the attention of investors, companies and cultural bodies.

The AndsArt Club project, created by the multicultural export and innovation manager staff of the Sardinian consultancy Sulcisdrone4.0, in collaboration with CONFESERCENTI CAGLIARI, was selected among the most significant experiences within the European project Creathriv-Eu, coordinated by Basilicata Creativa and by European partners #EUROCLUSTER Creative Cultural Industries.

European institutional support aims to promote ideas and experiences of innovative entrepreneurial realities capable of combining innovation, technology and creativity.

But what does the AndsArt.it product club actually do?

It simply combines culture and cultural goods with Madeinitaly exporting companies and collects them in a single aggregate offer aimed at international trade and cooperation channels.

The AndsArt club selects small Madeinitaly exporting companies that offer unique dedicated productions to small museums, archaeological parks, creative and cultural institutions, and benefit from the value of culture as a unique attribute of their business.

We tell stories of art at the service of businesses and stories of businesses at the service of art and we reach an international community that appreciates the art and products of Madeinitaly.

Among the testimonials of the project are Silvia Narciso MyaDesign, the Treviso company that creates gold coatings with Murano glass, and Alessio Pacini who combines the precious Qubito fragrances with the archaeological sites of Tuscany, Totoni Lovicu and Nicolò Corria who with the Cantine di Orgosolo have created a delicious wine label inspired by the Ciusa museum in Nuoro, Grazia Deledda, D’Annunzio. Together with La Gabbianella with the Domus Romana in Lucca, Museo di Moncalvo, Paola Creazioni, Museo Ossidiana, Amaretti Sassello, ScuolaGrande della Misericordia, their cultural and entrepreneurial experiences converge in the club platform and were presented at the conference “The visionaries of export” in Venice in January,  and are now participating in the innovation and internationalization plans facilitated by the Andsart program.

Silvia Narciso awarded as Andsart visionary export testimonial

During 2024 the Andsart Club project will come into full swing with the addition of new members to the platform and the start of the international roadshow open to partners and investors, as well as – naturally, the entry into the club of new companies and new cultural organizations interested in exporting with art.

Info : Giuseppe Vargiu – Sulcisdrone4.0

@Creathriveu, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) @ECCP