Cantine di Orgosolo

The winery is located at the entrance of the town centre, for those coming from Nuoro. The structure, built with newly developed techniques, materials and equipment, is fully functional and suitable for transformation operations and for the welcoming of guests who wish to taste the wines straight from the cellar.

The grapes harvested by hand at different times arrive in the cellar in small boxes following sorting for a further selection of the bunches, which follows the one already carried out in the vineyard, they are conveyed inside the crusher-destemmer machine where this takes place, in a soft , the detachment of the grapes from the stalks and their pressing.

The pressed grapes are transferred into the 50 hl winemakers, where, following the addition of very small doses of metabisulphite (5 grams/ql), fermentation begins with native yeasts.

During the fermentation phase, careful temperature control is carried out. The same attention is paid to carrying out pumping over and punching down, ensuring that the mass of pomace and must is exposed to the right oxygenation. Everything follows a natural path, the duration of fermentation varies from 2 to 3 weeks, after which we proceed with the racking and subsequent “gentle” pressing of the pomace.

After an initial racking, the musts, depending on their quality, are conveyed into stainless steel, concrete or wooden containers.

The wines are placed on the market after adequate rest in the bottle which can last from 3 to 12 months.

Contact and visit

+39 3290327546

Via E.Mattana, Zona P.IP., SNC - Orgosolo (NU)

Cannonau rosé wine “Il Fromboliere”

Cultural - Creative Attributes

In creating the rosé “Il Fromboliere”, the company has attracted three of the greatest exponents of the Italian and Sardinian cultural heritage to create a unique wine that has sewn on it a label that is a real hymn to the culture of its territory, a tribute to its art and to its deepest soul. When we talk about the “Cantine di Orgosolo”, we talk about an avant-garde that pays tribute to a territorial belonging, and that aims to leave a strong wine heritage to its country and to its children. The wineries were indeed formed by a small group of producers, each with its own history and tradition. Together, they constituted the winery company Cantine di Orgosolo in 2007, and, since then, they keep selecting the best Cannonau grapes from their vineyards. The result is an authentic red wine, an artisanal product of some complexity, which remains firmly bound to the local tradition. In the back of the label it was decided to insert the sestina that Gabriele d’Annunzio dedicated to the Orgosolo Frombolieri, in the conviction that wine signifies culture in all directions.

The label shows a passage from the psalm written by d’Annunzio in 1918. In it are recalled the blood contribution of the Sardinians in the First World War, identified in the mythical slingers of Orgosolo. The imprinted passage reads:

Chiama, e numera. I frombolieri orgolesi dalle fionde di canape attorta scagliarono il fuoco e caddero, col rombo sul capo, col dito nel cappio, più belli del figlio d’Isai. Si leveranno al tuo grido, come nell’albe del Supramonte, girando la corda.


(Call, and count: the orgolese slingers with their slings of hemp twisted, hurled fire and fell, with the rhombus on the head, with the finger in the noose, more beautiful than the son of Isai. They will rise to your cry, as in the dawn of the Supramonte, turning the rope.)

Features / technical data sheet

Conventional Agriculture
Country: Italy
Region: Sardinia
Cannonau vines
Vintage 2020
Alcohol content 13.5
Denomination Cannonau di Sardegna doc
Cannonau di Sardegna Rosato Slinger 2020 Cantine di Orgosolo
Cannonau 100%
Color between pale pink and claret.
On the nose it has intense aromas of berries, currants, raspberries and black cherries, which stand out together with pink roses. Clean and lush, they stand out
also for their good number and quality.
On the palate it is fresh and mineral, but capable of enveloping the palate with good creaminess and depth. The aromas are still of fruit and wild berries.
Making Cannonau rosé wine was a good choice, because the result is convincing. Excellent rosé from Sardinia, not only among those from
Cannonau di Sardegna Rosato Fromboliere 2020 Cantine di Orgosolo
The Orgosolo winery grows the grapes for the Fromboliere in various vineyards located in the Locoe and Sorasi valley in the municipality of Orgosolo and in the province
of Nuoro.
Planted with the sapling and spurred cordon training method.
The harvest is carried out manually between mid and end of September. Carry out a short maceration, and alcoholic fermentation in containers
stainless steel with the use of only indigenous yeasts.
It refines for 3 months in stainless steel containers and then in the bottle for at least another 3 months.
